“Moment of Truth” at the Forum Alpbach; Setting the course in our VUCA world

At the invitation of the MEGA Bildungsstiftung, a non-profit organization founded by the B&C Private Foundation and the Berndorf Private Foundation, I have the honor to participate in the Forum Alpbach. The goal of the foundation is to promote equal opportunities in education and to strengthen economic competence through life skills. I am excited about the experiences and insights that await me in the picturesque Alpbach Valley.

2024, a year of decisions
The European Forum Alpbach 2024 will take place under the significant - and I hope groundbreaking - annual theme of “Moment of Truth”. With over 70 elections worldwide and growing political and social polarization, this year will go down in history as one of the most significant election years. Over half of the world's population lives in countries holding elections this year. These elections could result in significant shifts in the global balance of power and international geopolitical relations.

Political polarization and disinformation
Empirical studies show that different social groups are increasingly claiming divergent narratives and truths. This fragmentation is further reinforced by the spread of disinformation and external attempts to exert influence. These developments undermine citizens' trust in democratic institutions and jeopardize the stability of democracy - and vice versa, of course: political failures and numerous scandals have destroyed public trust, which in turn has allowed and encouraged the emergence of divergent social narratives and truths. The truth, as is so often the case, is probably a mixture of both perspectives.

Constructive discourse to overcome the polycrisis

The Forum in Alpbach aims to take an in-depth look at theoretical and empirical approaches to strengthening resilience against disinformation and promoting constructive discourse. The former is challenging because the line between information and disinformation is subjective and thin. The latter, however, promoting acceptance and constructive dialogue, is essential for our sustainable survival.

VUCA world and meaningful solutions

The VUCA world refers to an environment characterized by Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity and describes the dynamic and unpredictable conditions in which we must operate today. We are in the midst of a polycrisis in which several crises reinforce each other. Ongoing conflicts, the rising cost of living and climate change with its consequences pose enormous challenges.
Every citizen is confronted with this VUCA environment and it is crucial to deal with it in a creative and meaningful way. Scientific expertise can be helpful here, but above all discourse and thus the forum in Alpbach brings together experts and decision-makers to develop evidence-based solutions and thus strengthen the ability to overcome crises.

Education, innovation and social justice
Education and innovation are key components for overcoming future challenges. Current research findings and best practices will be discussed, topics such as digital education, the promotion of science and research and support for start-ups and new technologies will be the focus, and this is an area in which I can share my expertise and look forward to doing so. At the same time, growing inequality and social exclusion will be addressed as key topics, as social justice and inclusion are essential factors for social cohesion.

The European Forum Alpbach 2024, which marks a historic turning point, reflects the decisive course that needs to be set with the annual theme “Moment of Truth”. By focusing on political renewal, social justice, economic resilience, education, innovation and international cooperation, the forum aims to make a significant contribution to shaping a better future for the world.

Original article: Guest commentary by Dr. Susanne Lederer-Pabst in the magazine  Börse Social Juni 06/2024