
Humanity is key - we care!

As mothers it is very important to us enabling children to have a future of joy and abundance. The ability to grow up in a field of love and security builds the basis for that.

We support great projects that address a wide range of topics and areas and contribute to a more humane, liveable and therefore more beautiful world.

One of these special projects for us is:

Africa Amini Alama

Everything started with DDr. Christine Wallner's wish to build a hospital ward in Africa. In 2007 this wish was that strong that it opened the way. Today she lives locally and leads the association together with her daughter Dr. Cornelia Wallner-Frisee with great heart and tireless commitment. The participation of many people like us, creates a field of strength, love and trust.

dragonflies "impact-4-our-world TRUST®“ - for peace and love in the world!

Social engagement is important to us at As early as 2010, the "impact-4-our-world TRUST®" was founded. This is endowed with up to 15% of the annual profit. We therefore happily provide funds for great things. We have supported the following charity projects in recent years:

Die Möwe Kinderschutzzentren

Sterntalerhof Kinderhospiz als Familienherberge

Hand in Hand für Tay-Sachs & Palliativkinder

Frauenhäuser Wien

SOS Kinderdorf

World Vision

Ute Bock Flüchtlingsprojekt

Hemayat – Betreuungszentrum für Folter- und Kriegsüberlebende

Aktion Regen – Entwicklungszusammenarbeit

ShareTheMeal – Kampf gegen Hunger

Aktion gegen Hunger – Gemeinsam für Menschen in Not


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